About Me

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Florida, United States
I am a Hopeful Bride of Christ and I long for the day I can dedicate all of my life to Him. I have been actively discerning religious life for about 4 years now and I have been accepted to enter the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church. I hope to begin formation soon and beg your prayers that my student loans do not keep me from entering. With your help and prayers I hope that my entrance to the SMMC will soon be reality. Rest assured that you are all in my thoughts and prayers - most especially those young men and women discerning their vocations, whether to the religious life, priesthood or married life. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue this journey toward Him.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Update on my meeting

I got to Orlando at about 4:15 and barely had time to inhale my food and relax. Mom and I left the house at about 4:45 and we were there before 4:50 (I'm telling you right down the street) When we got there the receptionist told us that Father was running behind and would see us as soon as he could. We waited until about 5:50 to be seen. While I was waiting, I pulled out my little book of prayers and said a prayer of abandonment as well as a quick little prayer to my guardian Angel. I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me and help me to be open and humble enough to lay it all out and not be afraid to wholeheartedly ask Father for some help.

As I walked in he asked me how he could help me; I gave him a quick background as far as how long I had been discerning and that I was accepted to enter this year but had to wait until next year. He asked me how much I owe and I told him, he then did this number :o... Then he asked how much was it before and I told him; so he did THIS number :twitch: I told him that I was looking to see if the parish could work with me on a dinner or if the Serra club or K of C could help financially with my loans. He asked about the community and of course I told him (I happened to have had a copy of one of their newsletters with me so I gave that to him)

I told him that any way they can help me would be great (either a financial contribution from the parish, the Serra club or K of C, a parishioner/business owner or something like that) He said that they would definitely be able to help and are willing to help. He said that he would take it to the finance committee at the next meeting and they would decide how much they can contribute.

He has asked me to write him a letter that he can take to the committee with him. I told him I would share my vocation story with them and information on my debt. He's also asked me to provide him with contact information for the community.

I am exhausted right now so I am going to lay down for a quick nap and then I am going to start writing my letter to give to mom so that she can deliver to the office first thing tomorrow.

I don't know what the Lord has in store but I have never felt so hopeful regarding my student loans before.

Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit continues to inspire and guide me.



  1. Hmm, I actually think this is going to turn out great.

  2. Thanks! I think so too. I am working on a letter to the local Serra club. Pray for me.

    United in Him,

  3. Hi, Thanks for joining my blog. I will be praying for you. We are also having a difficult time paying for my student loans, so I completely understand. As I tell my husband, "one flower at at time" ( I sell hair accessories). :) Looking forward to checking out more of your blog as time allows.

  4. We have soooooo much in common! I too have been discerning and praying and waiting. You are in my prayers.....

  5. Thanks for stopping by Maria and Christina. I will keep you both in prayers that these loans are resolved soon.
