About Me

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Florida, United States
I am a Hopeful Bride of Christ and I long for the day I can dedicate all of my life to Him. I have been actively discerning religious life for about 4 years now and I have been accepted to enter the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church. I hope to begin formation soon and beg your prayers that my student loans do not keep me from entering. With your help and prayers I hope that my entrance to the SMMC will soon be reality. Rest assured that you are all in my thoughts and prayers - most especially those young men and women discerning their vocations, whether to the religious life, priesthood or married life. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue this journey toward Him.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Elijah

Today is 4th Sunday of Advent but it also is another reason for celebration.  My nephew turns three today and though I can't be there to celebrate with him in person, I am very excited and can't wait till I see him for Christmas.

It's funny with birthdays, for little ones every year is a big deal.  For the past three years I have been excitedly looking forward to every milestone (a year, 18 mos, 2 years, etc.) expecting to see this overnight change.  I haven't noticed any changes in me since my 18th birthday (I really think I haven't changed much)  folks who haven't seen me in over 18 years still recognize me.

I am looking forward to a chatty Eli, a big boy who doesn't have to cling to his tia in order to fall asleep and one who is now open to sharing.  After all, he's a big boy today :)

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